Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac OS

  1. Mac Os Mojave
  2. Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac Os Catalina
  3. Mac Os Catalina
  4. Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac Os Update
  5. Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac Os X

Gaming has been fun for all of us since childhood. We all enjoy playing games. But almost all the games that we have played yet were made by someone else. But you know what would be really cool? Creating your own game. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to make one. We are here to help you. In our series of articles. We will learn how to make a game in Python Programming language and it’s one of the most famous libraries, “Pygame”.

But, what exactly is Pygame?

Mac os catalina

Pygame is a set Python Module that is designed for writing Video Games. It is a free and open-source library. And one of the most popular python library to create games and applications.

Draw the tic tac toe grid and update it when users play on a side python; python close gile; gui in tkinter; how to check any script is running in background linux using python; if keyboard.ispressed; pygame zero how to draw text; pack tkinter; python tkinter cursor types; insert video in tkinter; fetch channel; pygame.key.get. I am trying to make a tic tak toe game with pygame and I was wondering how would I do the logic here is what I have so far.

It adds the functionality on top of excellent SDL Library, SDL stands for Simple DirectMedia Layer, that allows the programmers to add multimedia and create fully featured games.

It was written by Pete Shinners, and was first launched on 28th October, 2000.

And one of the main reasons that we will be using this library is that it is extremely simple and efficient. It is highly portable, that means it works on almost all the operating systems.

Does not require a GUI to use all functions. SDL provides cross-platform support to your system’s underlying multimedia hardware components, such as sound, video, mouse, keyboard, and joystick.

Extremely Portable

It supports Linux (pygame comes with most mainstream Linux distributions), Windows (95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 64-bit Windows, etc), Windows CE, BeOS, MacOS, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, Solaris, IRIX, and QNX. The code contains support for AmigaOS, Dreamcast, Atari, AIX, OSF/Tru64, RISC OS, SymbianOS and OS/2, but these are not officially supported. You can use it on handheld devices, game consoles and the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) computer.

Easy to learn

Mac Os Mojave

It requires a small amount ofcode. As pygame already comes with hundreds of pre-built commands, it becomes easy for programmers to create complex games also. Now you don’t need to write thousands of lines of code to make games.

And it is modular, that means, you can use pieces of pygame separately. Want to use different sound or image library? That’s fine. With Pygame, many modules can be initialized and used separately.

You have full control over your main loop. That means, you can call pygame functions, but they don’t call your functions. This gives you greater control when using other python libraries.

Loaded with power

Pygame can also use multi-core CPUs that helps the creator to bring more functionality to their games. Selected pygame functions release the dreaded python GIL, which is something you can do from C code.

You can make 2-Dimensional games using Pygame. This is true that people love 3-Dimensional games with realistic graphics, but it totally depends upon the creator, that what type of game he/she is making. Games like “Among us” are actually popular among us. So, it completely depends upon the programmer how addictive and an interesting game he/she is making.

The relationship between Pygame and Python… like Thor and Thunder

Before starting pygame you need to have a basic understanding of python programming language, such as how to use loops, lists, etc. But it is a great module which can be used to easily create fantastic games for free.

If you create a very good game then maybe you can even release it commercially. Right now, there are not many games available in the market that are made using this library.

Pygame was made using C and Assembly language so it is quite fast.

We will be using Python to add logic and functionality to our game because Pygame cannot do that alone. Without python, your game would be like paused football match.

Improving every day by Pygame Community

Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac Os Catalina

Pygame is still in development. There are thousands of people who contribute to Pygame community by sending them issues and patches. The Pygame community is working very hard to make this library better every day.

You can also contribute to this community by sending them Bugs, patches, etc. Thee Pygame community provides fast response to reported bugs. You can do a search on their mailing list for BUG.

So, are you excited to make your first game! Hold on to your talent and endurance. Let’s do it!

Thank you for reading, if you found something wrong, please let us know. Feel free to ask anything.

Also Read:

Python3 and Pygame on macs can have a special setup. Try and follow the instructions on here, if you have the newest macOS. Make sure to follow the instructions designated for Python3. If those instructions don't work, click the source link on that answer, which goes to an article made for older macs.

Python 3 + VirtualEnv + HighSierra + Pygame 1.9.x (Dev-Dec21) + Xcode 10.1 + Homebrew¶

1. Install Homebrew -- instructions found on link.
Install the SDL dependencies: 2. Install XQuartz3. Install Python 3.7.x 4. Make VirtualEnv5. Install Pygame (Dec 21 snapshot from development) or you may try latest. If you get latest -- run tests to verify all is working.

Dec21st Latest (all tests verified)

Latest from GIT REPO

6. verify all Pygame Tests

Homebrew is a package manager that's very popular on Mac. We use that to get the dependencies for pygame.

If you want to install the last release, change the pip install part to:

Other instructions¶

The following page details how to install PyGame 1.9.1 on a Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) running the most recent 2.x version of Python (2.7.1).

Here are some alternative methods for installing PyGame on osx:

  • An alternative method based on macports and SVN
  • I recently installed PyGame 1.9.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) running Python 3.1 - (instructions at the bottom of the page. Cheers, and good luck! (Paul Barry, Dec 2009).
  • A method of installing pygame on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
  • Here's how I installed PyGame 1.9.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) for Python 2.7.2.

Mountain Lion install instructions¶

Snow leopard install instructions.¶

Set these environment flags before building...

Mac Os Catalina

If you get this error:

This link has a solution:

first, get the following packages:

  • The most recent PyGame from this site (currently 1.9.1):
  • The most recent PyObjC, (currently 2.2) Try `easy_install pyobjc2.2` in terminal or download from the pyobjc site if that doesn't work - (Not needed in Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard - pyobjc 2.0 comes preinstalled)
  • <-- BROKEN LINK !! ??

SDL frameworks

Tested with the latest python 2.7.x (2.7.1) framework:

Install the SDL Frameworks¶

Open the DMG files and read the included Readme files to determine what needs to be moved where. The normal process is to go to each opened volume (/Volumes/SDL_something) directory, and run the appropriate following command:

Install pyobjc (non-Leopard only)¶

Unpack the tgz

Build and install

Install Numeric¶

Unpack the tgz

In OSX Leopard, you will need to comment out three lines (152-154) in /Packages/RNG/Src/ranf.c Build and install

Install Universal build libjpeg & libpng¶

pygame needs universal binaries to build right, but libpng and libjpeg sources don't build as universal binaries automatically... so you probably want to download the pre-built universal binaries for libpng & jpeg from However you probably don't want to build against the dylib's for libpng and libjpeg if you are making an installer or will be using py2app, because then your distribution's will not work without your clients also installing the libjpeg and libpng pacakges.
Since the package above installs both dylib and .a versions to /usr/local/lib and the build process will use the dylib versions by default, this means you probably want to delete/rename the dylib versions

Install the package

Install libjpeg (from source)¶

Skip this step if you downloaded the pre-built universal binaries for libpng & jpeg

Unpack the tgz

Build and install

Install libpng (from source)¶

Skip this step if you downloaded the pre-built universal binaries for libpng & jpeg

Unpack the tbz

Build and install

Install pygame¶

Unpack the tgz


The output should be:

Edit Setup and put a '#' at the start of the line:

Build pygame Install pygame


Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac Os Update

Here are working easy instructions for building pygame from source with homebrew on Mavericks and Mountain lion.

pygame with sdl2¶

Pygame Tic-tac-toe Mac Os X

Experimental sdl2 support can be compiled in like so: