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The Java Platform Standard Edition, v1.4, provides an ObjectRequest Broker (ORB) and two CORBA programming models that canutilize the Java CORBA ORB and Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP).This topic discusses these options for creating and distributingCORBA technology.

CORBA technology is an integral part of the Java platform. Itconsists of an Object Request Broker (ORB), APIsfor the RMI programming model, and APIs for theIDL programming model.

For more information on which specifications are implemented inthis release of the Java platform, see the compliancedocument.

How does Java SE leverage CORBA

Common Object Request BrokerArchitecture (CORBA) technology is the open standard forheterogeneous computing. CORBA complements the Java platformby providing a distributed object framework, services to supportthat framework, and interoperability with other languages. The Javaplatform complements CORBA by providing a portable, highlyproductive implementation environment, and a very robust platform.By combining the Java platform with CORBA and other key enterprisetechnologies, the Java Platform is the ultimate platform fordistributed technology solutions.

CORBA standards provide the proven, interoperable infrastructureto the Java platform. IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) managesthe communication between the object components that power thesystem. The Java platform provides a portable object infrastructurethat works on every major operating system. CORBA provides thenetwork transparency, Java provides the implementationtransparency.

The Object Request Broker

An Object Request Broker (ORB) is part of the JavaPlatform Standard Edition, since version 1.3. The ORB is a runtimecomponent that can be used for distributed computing using IIOPcommunication.

NOTE: Although it is true that ORBs written in differentlanguages should be able to talk to each other, we haven't testedthe interoperability of the Java ORB with other vendor'sORBs.

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The Object Management Group (OMG) is an industry consortium thatcreates and publishes specifications for CORBA. Vendors implementthe specifications to produce products known as Object RequestBrokers (ORB). The good news for developers is that the JavaPlatform Standard Edition, v1.2 and higher includes an ORB that isavailable in every deployment of the Java Platform StandardEdition. For more information, see the ORB class.

The Java CORBA ORB supports both the RMI and IDL programmingmodels, both of which can use the underlying IIOP wire-levelprotocol for communication.

Introducing the CORBA Programming Models

History of the CORBA Programming Models

In 1997, Remote Method Invocation, or RMI, was introduced in JDK1.1. Initially, RMI was positioned as a natural outgrowth of RemoteProcedure Calls (RPC), strictly for enabling calls to be madebetween Java objects in different virtual machines, and even ondifferent physical machines.

In 1998, came JDK 1.2, which introduced Java IDL, a Java API forinteroperability and integration with CORBA. Java IDL included botha Java-based ORB, which supported IIOP, and the IDL-to-Javacompiler, idltojava, for generating client-side stubs andserver-side code skeletons. The ORB supports both the RMI over IIOPand Java IDL programming models.

In 1999, the RMI over IIOP standard extension to the Javaplatform was introduced for JDK 1.1.6 and 1.2. Now that RMI overIIOP is integrated into J2SE version 1.3 and higher, the optionaldownload has been end-of-lifed, but is still available from thearchives.

The OMG finalized modifications of its IIOP specification sothat it would support most of the JDK 1.1 functionality of RMI. RMIover IIOP was introduced as a standard extension to JDK 1.2. Thisenabled remote objects written in the Java programming language tobe accessible from any language via IIOP.

J2SE, v.1.3 introduced a new, 100% Pure Java, IDL-to-Javacompiler, idlj, along with support for IDL abstractinterfaces and value types. Also in v.1.3, RMI over IIOP isincluded in the JDK.

J2SE v.1.4, the current version, was introduced in 2001, andincludes support for the Portable Object Adapter, PortableInterceptors, Interoperable Naming Service, GIOP 1.2, and DynamicAnys. J2SE v.1.4 also includes an Object Request Broker Daemon(ORBD), which is used to enable clients to transparently locate andinvoke persistent objects on servers in the CORBA environment, andservertool, which provides a command-line interface forapplication programmers to register, unregister, startup, andshutdown a persistent server. For more information on new featuresin J2SE v.1.4, see Changes in CORBAFeatures Between J2SE 1.3 and 1.4.

Comparing the CORBA Programming Models

Cross-language, cross-vendor interoperability is achieved viathe Internet InterORB Protocol, or IIOP. IIOP is a transportprotocol for distributed applications written in either IDL or JavaRMI.

When using the IDL programming model, the interface iseverything! It defines the points of entry that can be called froma remote process, such as the types of arguments the calledprocedure will accept, or the value/output parameter of informationreturned. Using IDL, the programmer can make the entry points anddata types that pass between communicating processes act like astandard language.

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CORBA is a language-neutral system in which the argument valuesor return values are limited to what can be represented in theinvolved implementation languages. In CORBA, object orientation islimited only to objects that can be passed by reference (the objectcode itself cannot be passed from machine-to-machine) or arepredefined in the overall framework. Passed and returned types mustbe those declared in the interface.

With RMI, the interface and the implementation language aredescribed in the same language, so you don't have to worry aboutmapping from one to the other. Language-level objects (the codeitself) can be passed from one process to the next. Values can bereturned by their actual type, not the declared type. Or, you cancompile the interfaces to generate IIOP stubs and skeletons whichallow your objects to be accessible from other CORBA-compliantlanguages.

The RMI Programming Model

What is the RMI Programming Model

The RMI Programming model is a general object model fordistributed computing via the rmi API. You can choose towork completely within the Java programming language, using theJava Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) or work with otherCORBA-compliant programming languages using the Internet InterORBProtocol (IIOP).

The RMI programming model is part of the Java PlatformStandard Edition, and consists of both an Object Request Broker(ORB) and the rmic compiler. The rmic compiler isused to generate stubs, skeletons, and ties for remote objectsusing either the JRMP or IIOP protocols. The rmic compilercan also generates OMG IDL. For more information on usingrmic, link to rmic- The Java RMI Stub Compiler.

The RMI over IIOPProgrammer's Guide discusses the differences between using RMIwith JRMP or IIOP.

When should I use the RMI programming model instead of theIDL programming model?

The RMI programming model speeds distributed applicationdevelopment by allowing developers to work completely in the Javaprogramming language. When using the RMI programming model toproduce Java technology-based distributed applications, there is noseparate Interface Definition Language (IDL) or mapping to learn.The RMI programming model provides flexibility by allowingdevelopers to pass any serializable Java object (Objects By Value)between application components. Like the IDL programming model, theRMI programming model is based on open standards defined with theparticipation of hundreds of vendors and users in the JavaCommunity Process (JCP). Like the IDL programming model, the RMIprogramming model can use the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) asits communication protocol. IIOP eases legacy application andplatform integration by allowing application components written inC++, Smalltalk, and other CORBA supported languages to communicatewith components running on the Java platform.

With the RMI programming model, developers can write remoteinterfaces in the Java programming language and implement themsimply using Java technology and the Java RMI APIs. Theseinterfaces can be implemented in any other language that issupported by an OMG mapping and a vendor supplied ORB for thatlanguage. Similarly, clients can be written in other languagesusing IDL derived from the remote Java technology-basedinterfaces.

Where can I found out more about the RMI programmingmodel

  • For more information on RMI over IIOP, see RMI over IIOP Documentation.
  • For more information on RMI over JRMP, see RMI Documentation.
  • For an introductory tutorial using RMI over IIOP, see Tutorial: Getting Started with RMI overIIOP.
  • For more information on mapping Java interfaces to OMG IDL, seeCatalogof OMG IDL / Language Mappings Specificatons.

The IDL Programming Model

What is the IDL Programming Model

The IDL programming model, known as Java IDL, consists ofboth the Java CORBA ORB and the idlj compiler that mapsthe OMG IDL to Java bindings that use the Java CORBA ORB, as wellas a set of APIs, which can be explored by selecting the org.omg prefix from the Package sectionof the API index.

Java IDL adds CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)capability to the Java platform, providing standards-basedinteroperability and connectivity. Java IDL enables distributedWeb-enabled Java applications to transparently invoke operations onremote network services using the industry standard IDL (ObjectManagement Group Interface Definition Language) and IIOP (InternetInter-ORB Protocol) defined by the Object Management Group. Runtimecomponents include a Java ORB for distributed computing using IIOPcommunication.


To use the IDL programming model, you define remote interfacesusing the Object Management Group's (OMG) Interface DefinitionLanguage (IDL), then compile the interfaces using the idljcompiler. When you run the idlj compiler over yourinterface definition file, it generates the Java version of theinterface, as well as the class code files for the stubs andskeletons that enable your applications to hook into the ORB.

Java IDL is part of the Java Platform Standard Edition.To develop applications with Java IDL, use the Java IDLCompiler, idlj (Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS X or Windows),idlj, which is included in every installation of J2SE v1.3and higher.

When should I use the IDL programming model instead of theRMI programming model?


The OMG IDL (Interface Definition Language) is a purelydeclarative language designed for specifyingprogramming-language-independent operational interfaces fordistributed applications. OMG specifies a mapping from IDL toseveral different programming languages, including Java, C, C++,Lisp, Python, Smalltalk, COBOL, and Ada. When mapped, eachstatement in OMG IDL is translated to a corresponding statement inthe programming language of choice. Java IDL is an implementationof the CORBA specification. For example, you could use the Java IDLCompiler, idlj, to map an IDL interface to Java andimplement the client class in Java. If you map the same IDL to C++,using an IDL-to-C++ compiler and a C++ ORB, and implement theserver in that language, the Java client and C++ serverinteroperate through the ORB.

NOTE: Although it is true that ORBs written in differentlanguages should be able to talk to each other, we haven't testedthe interoperability of the Java ORB with other vendor'sORBs.

Where can I find out more about the IDL programmingmodel

  • For more information on the IDL programming model, see Java IDL Documentation.
  • For an introductory tutorial to the IDL programming model, seethe Getting Started with Java IDLtutorial.
  • For more information on how IDL maps to the Java language, seesee the Catalogof OMG IDL / Language Mappings Specificatons.

Comparison of IDL and RMI programming models

There are several scenarios that will define how you will wantto create distributed CORBA applications. Here are some ofthem:

  • If you have been developing CORBA applications using IDL for some time, you will probably want to stayin this environment. Create the interfaces using IDL, and definethe client and server applications using the Java programminglanguage to take advantage of its portabile, highly productiveimplementation environment, and its very robust platform.
  • If all of your applications are written in the Java programminglanguage, you will probably want to use Java RMI to enable communication betweenJava objects on different virtual machines and different physicalmachines. Using Java RMI without its IIOP option leverages itsstrengths of code portability, security, and garbagecollection.
  • If you are writing most of your new applications using the Javaprogramming language, but need to maintain legacy applicationswritten in other programming languages as well, you will probablywant to use Java RMI with its IIOP compiler option.

What about CORBA and J2EE?

In addition to Java IDL and RMI over IIOP, J2EE includesEnterprise JavaBeans technology (EJB).

EnterpriseJavaBeans is part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. TheEJB server-side component model simplifies development ofmiddleware components that are transactional, scalable, andportable. EJB servers reduce the complexity of developingmiddleware by providing automatic support for middleware servicessuch as transactions, security, database connectivity, andmore.

EJBs use RMI over IIOP for their distributed object model, anduse the Java Transaction Service (JTS) for their distributedtransaction model. When Enterprise JavaBeans are implemented usingthe RMI over IIOP protocol for EJB interoperability inheterogeneous server environments, the standard mapping of the EJBarchitecture to CORBA enables the following interoperability:

  • A Java client using an ORB from one vendor can accessenterprise beans residing on an EJB server provided by anothervendor.
  • Enterprise beans in one EJB server can access enterprise beansin another EJB server.
  • A non-Java platform CORBA client can access any enterprise beanobject.
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