FishEmAll Mac OS

  1. Install fish via Brew
  2. Optionally install Oh My Fish!
  3. Add fish to known shells
  4. Set default shell to fish

Add any the following functions to ~/.config/fish/

Macmac Store & Fishball Vendor.

Fisher Mall Mac Os X

  • Fish is an aquarium simulator. It allows you to add fish to an underwater environment and customize them. Fish show complex behavior. You can feed them, see its evolution as they grow, breed, use.
  • Mac's fishroom fish keeping fun. This page is the off shoot from my YouTube channel for people to post up questions, and start launching macs fishroom.
  • Easily check which versions of mac OS, iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS are compatible with your Mac model or iDevice. Guide includes OS X 10.8.x to macOS 11.0.x.
  • Ea games for mac From high fantasy to competitive sports – you can tap into the excitement of EA's hottest Mac games! Unleash your imagination in The Sims 4, rise to power and fight epic battles in Dragon Age II, build a living world where every choice matters in SimCity, and more.

sudo bang bang

Repeat previous command with administrator rights



Shortcut to browse parent directory

And how often did you ever type cd.. instead of cd ..? Let's extend our previous function:


Quickly access your DropBox folder


Quickly access your documents folder


Return platform name


Fisher Mall Mac Os Catalina

git tag

Fisher Mall Mac Os 11

Simplify the creation and deletion of Git tags